
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The First Pair of Socks

The first pair of socks are complete! YEAH! I finished the second sock on Monday. The yarn matched up until the toe, where this is a blue stripe instead of a green stripe. How cool is that?

I am now currently working on the sock that I started Memorial Day weekend. I am knitting the gusset decreases. Pretty soon I will be finished with this sock.

I saw a movie on Monday. I saw The Devil Wears Prada. It was kinda cute. I am glad that I did not pay full price for the movie. I decided to get popcorn and a soda, and this was twice a more as the movie. HOLY COW! Well I guess it was my lunch, but still about 20 bucks to see a movie. WOW.

If anyone reads this, have a good day!


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